March 26, 2025
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HB-01 HiBand Preamp
Single-channel, high-bandwidth, low-noise charge amplifier for non-contact capacitance probe. Provides low-noise dc bias for probe.

HB-08 Multi-Channel HiBand Preamp
Up to eight HB-01 HiBand Preamps mounted in chassis with internal power supply.

DA-01 Differential Amplifier
Single-channel, differential line receiver and differentiator. Typical application: at data acquisition system end of cable from HB-01 HiBand Preamp to eliminate problems from differing ground potentials.

AP-01 Analog Processor
Four-channel non-multiplexed data acquisition interface to National Instruments PXI-6115 A/D Converter. Four unity-gain differential line receivers to eliminate common-mode problems associated with differing ground potentials between preamp and data acquisition system.

AP-02 Analog Processor
Four-channel multiplexed data acquisition interface for National Instruments PXI-6115 A/D Converter. Four 8:1 differential multiplexers plus four unity-gain differential line receivers to eliminate common-mode problems associated with differing ground potentials between preamp and data acquisition system.

AP-03 Analog Processor
Dual version of AP-01 for use with two National Instruments PXI-6115 A/D Converter Boards.

Multi-channel Software
LabView software for blade tip clearance, blade time-of-arrival and system vibration. Operates with PXI-8176 Embedded Controller and one PXI-6155 A/D Converter.

CP-01 Capacitance Preamp
High-resolution, capacitance measurement preamp for use with non-contact capacitance probes. Typical application: calibration of probes

Probe Calibration Software
Excel-based software to facilitate calculation of probe coefficients for LabView blade tip clearance, blade time-of-arrival and system vibration systems.

PS-15 +/- 15Vdc Power Supply
Provides +/- 15 volts at 240 ma for CP-01 Capacitance Preamps.

Support and On-site Training
Contact Aerogage for more information and pricing

Multi-Channel Data Acquisition System
The National Instruments PXI-1000B chassis with PXI-8176 Embedded Controller and one or two PXI-6155 A/D Converters. SH68-68-EP Shielded Cable between A/D boards and either AP-01 Analog Processor or AP-02 Analog Processor. Items to be purchased directly from National Instruments.
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